Each target area contains more land than could possibly be acquired, given the limited resources available and commitment to buy only from willing sellers. This gives Metro’s acquisition team flexibility to negotiate for the most desirable properties and take advantage of market opportunities.
The Metro Council established plans for each target area in the 2006 bond measure with input from natural resource and land use experts, scientists, local land managers and residents. More than 500 people attended eight community open houses to share ideas. Nearly 1,000 people filled out questionnaires ranking their priorities and offering ideas for partnerships and other ways to stretch the public's investment.
Target areas
A. East Buttes
B. Deep Creek and Tributaries
C. Clackamas River Bluffs and Greenway
D. Clear Creek
E. Abernethy and Newell Creeks
F. Stafford Basin
G. Tryon Creek Linkages
H. Willamette Narrows and Canemah Bluff
I. Tonquin Geologic Area
J. Lower Tualatin Headwaters
K. Tualatin River Greenway
L. Cooper Mountain
M. Wapato Lake
N. Chehalem Ridgetop to Refuge
O. Dairy and McKay Creeks Confluence
P. Killin Wetland
Q. Rock Creek Headwaters and Greenway
R. Forest Park Connections
S. Columbia Slough
T. Johnson Creek and Watershed
U. Sandy River Gorge
V. Willamette River Greenway
W. Fanno Creek Linkages
X. Westside Trail
Y. Springwater Corridor
Z. Cazadero Trail
AA. Gresham–Fairview Trail