After hundreds of visitors checked out the art created through this year’s GLEAN program, the month-long display at the Bison Building in Northeast Portland has come to an end. To culminate the annual experience, all visitors were encouraged to vote for their favorite piece by each artist.
The GLEAN program gives selected artists the chance to glean through the garbage and recycling brought to Metro Central transfer station and create art with what they find. Each artist is required to create a minimum of eight pieces, with 95 percent of each piece made from transfer station materials.
This year, all five artists created different thematic collections, with pieces ranging in size, texture, color and message. From colorful collages to the unique presentation of historical artifacts, visitors had plenty of pieces to analyze and evaluate. Here are this year’s favorites:
Rayos Azul by Christian Barrios
basidiolichen by Caroline Borucki
The Elation of Michael by Tyler Corbett
Eurythmy by Latifa Medjdoub
Important Women throughout History by Danielle Schlunegger
The GLEAN program is a collaboration between garbage and recycling business Recology, environmental arts organization crackedpots, and Metro. Next year’s program cycle will start with a call for artists on Jan. 1 and selection by jury in early February.
For updates about GLEAN, and to be notified of future calls to artists and exhibition notices, sign up here.