Helping to refine plans and policies for how we get around on foot and bike in the region, over 100 people participated in the last Active Transportation Plan community forum at Metro on May 23.
Working at nine stations that presented bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and policy recommendations, participants gave comments on the specific functionality of plans, as well as overarching goals. Comments ranged in topics addressing directness of routes, access to businesses, a focus on equity, to making it easier to get out to nature without a car.
"The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, constructive and supports the direction of the plan," said project coordinator Lake McTighe. "Many of the comments from the forum have already been used to refine policies or even make changes in the plan."
The Regional Active Transportation Plan, slated for completion by July 2013, will identify the strategies, priorities and projects to complete a seamless green network of on- and off-street pathways and districts connecting the region and integrating walking, biking and public transit. The plan will be amended to the Regional Transportation Plan and will update policies, targets and performance measures in the RTP and the Regional Transportation Functional Plan.
Those unable to attend the final open house and wish to make comments on the current recommendations are encouraged to participate in the online open house.