For the last year the Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project team - made up of TriMet, Metro, Oregon Department of Transporation, the cities of Portland and Milwaukie, and Clackamas and Multnomah counties - has been busy designing the light rail project and analyzing its impacts. This information is detailed in a new publication called the conceptual design report.
The document highlights this progress, including changes to the project since the last round of open houses in winter 2009. Staff will be available to answer questions at more open houses and at numerous briefings to community groups from now through April 2010. Find meeting locations near you at on TriMet's web site. Visit TriMet's site
The Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project will enhance the regional MAX system with connections to North Clackamas County, Milwaukie and Southeast Portland to South Waterfront and downtown Portland across a new transit bridge. Light rail service is scheduled to begin in 2015.