Passionate people with great ideas invited to complete pre-application forms by May 2
If you live and work in North Portland, you are probably the best source of ideas about important community investments there. That’s why Metro is soliciting grant proposals from local residents, community groups, nonprofit organizations, schools and others who share closely linked goals that help create great communities and support a strong economy as the region – and North Portland neighborhoods - grow.
The pre-application deadline for a North Portland community enhancement grant is 5 p.m. Monday, May 2. Pre-applications are available online.
“Over the years, North Portland residents have generated some truly innovative solutions to respond to neighborhood needs – from apprenticeship programs in the food service industry for high school youth, to a tool lending library that helps make home repairs and garden projects more affordable for everyone,” said Metro Councilor Rex Burkholder who represents North Portland and chairs the grant committee. “Even if you haven’t heard about these programs, chances are you or your neighbors have been touched by them,” he added.
Financial constraints limit the total amount available to award this year to $15,000. As a result, Metro’s grant selection committee, made up of neighborhood activists, established priorities and a pre-application procedure to help guide the solicitation and selection process. Grants will support projects that respond to the community’s most pressing needs – jobs and job training; programs for youth; and programs or projects that deliver basic needs and respond to the issues of hunger, health care for the uninsured, and housing or essential household needs.