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Comment by 5 p.m. May 19, 2017
Metro will accept comments regarding this application by mail, fax and email. Comments should be addressed to Hila Ritter, Solid Waste Authorization Coordinator.
Metro Solid Waste Information Compliance and Cleanup
600 NE Grand Ave., Portland, OR 97232
Fax: 503-813-7544
American Petroleum Environmental Services, Inc.
11535 N. Force Avenue, Portland, Oregon
Description of facility and application
American Petroleum Environmental Services, Inc. submitted an application to Metro for a new solid waste facility license to consolidate and reload oily cleanup materials (such as oily rags, booms, absorbents, etc.). The facility also receives and processes used oil. Other operations would not change under the proposed renewal. The term of the proposed license would extend through June 30, 2022.
Metro regulates very specific and limited activities at this sites, the consolidating and reloading of oily cleanup debris. Metro’s licenses would only cover this activity. Matters relating to air quality and other solid waste and material recovery activities fall within the purview of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, and DEQ issues separate permits for those activities.
The site is zoned IH Heavy Industrial and according to City of Portland, the proposed use is allowed.
Metro issued a solid waste facility license to EcoLube Recovery LLC dba American Petroleum Environmental Services