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Metro is accepting applications for property owners seeking grant assistance for brownfields throughout greater Portland. Applications are accepted through Sept. 30, 2028.
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Metro is offering assistance for brownfield site assessments for properties that could be or will be developed into community assets. This grant from the EPA runs through Sept. 30, 2028.
The project focuses on five main outcomes:
- Conduct full Phase I/Phase II Environmental site assessments, with an emphasis on four target corridors:
- Southwest Corridor – Barbur Boulevard from downtown Portland to downtown Tigard
- 82nd Avenue – from Portland International Airport to Clackamas Town Center
- Sunrise Corridor – Highway 212/224 from I-205 to Southeast 172nd Avenue
- Tualatin Valley Highway – from Beaverton to Forest Grove
- Work with community members to increase understanding of how brownfields impact communities and how to engage in cleanup and redevelopment
- Provide technical assistance to property owners on how to address contaminated sites
- Work with community members and potential developers to move forward with site cleanups based on redevelopment opportunities
- Build capacity of residents and local businesses to learn about careers and job opportunities in environmental remediation and redevelopment
- Partnerships and community engagement
Partnerships and community engagement
Metro works with its 24 cities and three county partners as well as a wide array of community-based organizations on planning for a more equitable future, which includes identifying and targeting brownfield properties for cleanup and redevelopment.
The brownfields program engages with community, including historically under-represented groups, in activities such as:
- sharing project information and opportunities for public input
- supporting engagement staff and contractors with community surveys
- conducting community education activities at assessment sites
- targeting outreach and input opportunities to historically underrepresented groups
- building capacity of youth and local residents to learn about careers in environmental remediation
This grant is part of larger regional and statewide efforts to address brownfields. Since 2014, Metro has led a statewide Oregon Brownfield Coalition that represents diverse interests. The coalition’s legislative workgroup advocates for brownfield land bank formation, continued funding for the statewide brownfield program, implementation of local brownfield property tax incentive programs and a statewide income tax credit for brownfield assessment and cleanup.