Read these notes carefully before transporting materials to this site. This retailer is a voluntary drop-off center for the Oregon PaintCare program. Oregon residents and Oregon-based businesses that generate small quantities of hazardous waste can drop off the following items in containers no larger than five gallons for free.
Materials must be in containers that are not rusted, damaged or dented. Material must also be in the original container with the original, legible label. Containers must be no larger than five gallons. Do not bring empty containers to this location, they will not be accepted. For information on how to handle empty containers, please contact your waste hauler or local jurisdiction.
Materials accepted under PaintCare and at this facility:
- interior and exterior architectural paints; latex, acrylic, water-based, alkyd, oil-based, enamel (all types of finishes and sheens, including textured coatings); primers, undercoats and sealers; stains and shellacs;
- deck coatings and floor paints (including elastomeric); waterproofing concrete/masonry/wood sealers and repellents (not-tar-based or bitumen based); wood coatings (containing no pesticides);
- melamine, metal and rust preventative;
- swimming pool paints, varnishes and urethanes (single component);
- lacquers, lacquer sanding sealers, and lacquer stains.
The following materials are not accepted at this location and are not part of the PaintCare program:
- aerosol paints; OEM and industrial surface coating (shop application) paints and finishes; automotive paints; marine paints; craft paints; traffic paints;
- caulking compounds, epoxies, glue or adhesives; resins;
- colorants and tints; paint additives; pesticide-containing products;
- paint thinners, mineral spirits or solvents; deck cleaners;
- roof patch or repair; tar-based or bitumen-based products; two-component coatings.