Beginning Jan. 3, 2023, the Regional Travel Options program will be accepting applications for the 2023-26 grant cycle. Applications for the first round of funding will close on March 31, with a limited grant cycle open in January each subsequent year. The 2023-26 grant cycle will fund projects that occur between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2026, with an estimated total award of $9.14 million.
The Regional Travel Options (RTO) program supports transportation demand management (TDM) strategies to increase the use of travel options, reduce pollution and improve mobility. Travel options include any transportation mode besides driving alone – carpooling, vanpooling, riding transit, bicycling, walking/rolling, micro-mobility and telecommuting. Metro provides funding and technical assistance through the RTO grant program to support partners’ programming to educate, encourage, and provide information and tools to increase people's use of these options.
Government agencies, colleges, universities, public school districts or schools (K-12), and non-profit organizations are eligible to apply for RTO grants. Projects must occur within the Portland Metropolitan Planning Area and align with the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). The RTO program goals are spelled out in the RTP, which articulates how the program helps meet regional transportation goals including: reducing congestion, maintaining air quality, making the most of our transportation investments, and providing travel options equitably to communities throughout the greater Portland.
The program is guided by the RTO Strategy, and supported by program analyses and plans, including the RTO Equity Strategy, RTO Evaluation, and RTO Commute Program Action Plan. The program is funded through the Regional Flexible Fund process with funding from the Federal Transit Administration, which creates guidelines and parameters on how the funds may be used.
For more details on the RTO grant program’s upcoming cycle view this recording from the Nov. 9, 2022 information session. The full RTO grant handbook will be available in December.
RTO staff will hold two additional information sessions in January 2023 to support partners in the application process: one geared towards the Core and Emerging Partners application track, and one geared towards the RTO General and Small Grants application tracks. These information sessions are not required but are recommended if applicants have questions or require assistance to complete the application. A recording of the sessions will be shared with all who register, so please register even if you are not able to attend. These information sessions will be more technical in nature and cover:
- Tips for accessing and completing the grant application
- Budgeting resources and guidance
- Deeper dive into federal requirements
- Open-ended time for specific questions from applicants.
RTO Grant information session: Core and Emerging Partners
10 a.m. to noon, Wednesday Jan. 18, 2023
Register in advance for this meeting
RTO Grant information session: General and Small Grants
2 p.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday Jan. 24, 2023
Register in advance for this meeting
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