The Southwest Corridor Light Rail Preferred Alternative is the alternative identified as the favored course of action to meet the project’s purpose and need. The Southwest Corridor Steering Committee recommended a preferred alternative based on analysis documented in the Draft EIS; input from the public and agencies, including comments on the Draft EIS; the project staff recommendation; and consideration of FTA’s rating criteria for large transit projects. The directly affected local jurisdictions, including the TriMet Board of Directors, adopted resolutions of support for the steering committee recommendation, and Metro Council took these resolutions into consideration in their approval of the Preferred Alternative and its incorporation in the Regional Transportation Plan.
The Preferred Alternative would have constructed an 11-mile extension of the MAX system from Portland State University to Tigard and Bridgeport Village in Tualatin. The project would have provided the backbone for enhanced local bus service in the Southwest Corridor and would make substantial investments in the transportation infrastructure of the Southwest Corridor including:
- a shared transitway that allows for express bus service from Beaverton and Hillsdale into downtown Portland
- continuous sidewalks and protected bike lanes on both sides of Barbur from I-405 to Barbur Transit Center
- improved pedestrian connections to the OHSU and VA complex on Marquam Hill and to Portland Community College’s Sylvania campus
- a rebuilt driving surface for Barbur including reconstruction of two aged viaducts
- greatly enhanced stormwater treatment along Barbur to support a cleaner Willamette River
- a new operations and maintenance facility for TriMet MAX vehicles
For reports about alternatives considered prior to the selection of the Preferred Alternative, such as the comparison between light rail and bus rapid transit, send an email to or call 503-813-7535.