Julie Campoli lectures nationwide on smart growth, urban design, and density. Her latest book, "Made for Walking", explores density and neighborhood form -- including in Portland's own Pearl District. Join us for a lecture and discussion about urban density, proximity, and walkability, as well as for light refreshments and socializing.
1000 Friends of Oregon is delighted to co-host this event with Metro regional government and the Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability.
"We're thrilled to bring Julie to Portland to discuss how we can better employ these tools to create great places in this region, based on the lessons she's learned in many years of research and practice all around the country," said Jason Miner, executive director of 1000 Friends of Oregon.
In this era of high energy prices, economic uncertainty, and demographic change, an increasing number of Americans are showing an interest in urban living as an alternative to the traditional automobile-dependent suburb. Many people are also concerned about reducing their annual vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as a way to lower greenhouse gas emissions affecting climate change. But providing transportation options is complex and demands a shift in land use patterns and the way we locate and shape future development.The lecture and discussion is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 30, at the Center for Architecture, at 403 NW 11th Ave. in Portland. The event is free and open to the public, but RSVP is requested.
"Making great, walkable places means applying the right tools – at the macro and micro level," Miner said. "Many elements are crucial – from broad regional strategies for compact communities, to smaller details like sidewalks and street design, as Julie Campoli's books have explored in memorable, attractive ways."
Campoli has twenty-five years of experience in land planning and urban design. She studied literature at Middlebury College, landscape architecture at Cornell, was a Loeb Fellow at Harvard's Graduate School of Design, and has had research support from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
Learn more about Julie Campoli's work at juliecampoli.com/made-for-walking. Read a press release about her book here.
For more information, contact Amanda at 503-497-1000, ext. 137 or amanda@friends.org.