Potential hazards
Toxic; may be harmful or fatal if ingested, especially by children or the elderly. Flushing pharmaceuticals down the toilet can contaminate nearby rivers and water supplies.
Read labels on all products carefully before using.
Mr. Yuk stickers
The Oregon Poison Control Center provides Mr. Yuk stickers to put on hazardous household products. Show the stickers to children and teach them to leave those products alone.
Store all medicines with child-resistant caps. Keep them in a secure place in the original container with the name of the drug and recommended dose on the label.
Best: Unwanted and unused drugs may be taken to a secure disposal drop-off location. Call (844) 482-5322 for more information or to order mail-back supplies.
Second Best: As a last resort, you may dispose of medications in your home garbage. Dump into a plastic bag with used cat litter or damp coffee grounds to discourage pilfering. Pour liquids into a plastic bag containing absorbent material such as flour or cat litter.