It’s not enough just to build a transportation system with options to walk, bike, take transit or ride share. People need to know how to access those options and understand the benefits. That’s where Metro’s Regional Travel Options program comes in.
Beginning July 25, the Regional Travel Options grant program will be accepting applications to fund projects that make it easier, more convenient and safer to get around our region without driving alone. The 2017-2019 grant cycle has a total of $2.5 million in Federal Regional Flexible Funds to award.
A Regional Travel Options grant workshop will be held at Metro on Friday, July 29 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.
Eligible applicants include government agencies, educational institutions and nonprofit organizations, and projects must be carried out within the urbanized areas of Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties.
Through these funding opportunities, the program works to increase the use and awareness of other ways to travel besides driving alone. This makes best use of the region’s existing transportation infrastructure and reduces the money spent on new and costly infrastructure improvements.
Grantees accomplish this through a variety of approaches, including research and planning, public education and outreach, incentive and training programs, Safe Routes to School projects, wayfinding signage, and end-of-trip facilities.
For more details and an application, visit the Regional Travel Options grant page, or contact program staff at 503-797-1757 or email [email protected].