Longer nights, more rain, the changing of the leaves… and property tax statements. Yep, it's late October.
Your property tax statements list the many local governments that rely on property taxes and how much property owners pay to each. However, even with the detailed lists, it can be difficult to discern what exactly taxes to certain local governments pay for.
Metro's website features an explanation of how its property taxes are used at oregonmetro.gov/propertytaxes. It lists what services and programs at Metro are supported by property taxes.
Like most local governments, Metro receives property taxes for two functions:
- Day-to-day government operations, which includes an assessment for a dedicated parks levy approved by voters in May 2013, and,
- Capital projects for the purchase of, and improvement to, dozens of parks and natural areas throughout the region, as well as for improvements to the Oregon Zoo, all of which have been approved by voters since 1995.
Visit oregonmetro.gov/propertytaxes to learn more about what your Metro property taxes support in making our region a great place.