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Comment through 5 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13.
Requests to submit comments or concerns about this amendment should be submitted to Summer Blackhorse.
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Metro is required to document funded projects scheduled to use federal funds over the next four years. The current cycle is documented in the 2024-27 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program.
Metro is in receipt of the proposed MTIP formal amendment:
The purpose of this amendment is to augment funding for nine current capital projects. Funding addresses higher than normal inflationary impacts to projects from the 2019-2021 and 2022-24 Regional Flexible Funding Allocation cycles that have not yet completed construction delivery contracts.
The included projects are:
- Courtney Avenue: from River Road to OR 99E. Construct separated sidewalks, bike lanes, stormwater management rain gardens, ADA improvements and crosswalk enhancements.
- Cleveland Avenue: Complete phase two of the project by improving a substandard section of Cleveland Avenue between Stark Street and Burnside Street with bike lanes, sidewalks, curbs and gutters.
- Washigton/Monroe Street: SE 37th Avenue to SE Linwood Avenue. Construct bicycle and pedestrian improvements.
- Columbia Boulevard: Alderwood Road and Cully Boulevard. Installation of a new signal at Columbia and Alderwood and Columbia and Cully, adding a new right turn lane, sidewalks, bikelanes.
- Jade and Montavilla. Construct multi-modal improvments on key pedestrian and bicycle routes.
- NE 122nd Avenue: Beech Street to Wasco Street. Enhance and mark crossings to improve safety and accessibility.
- NE Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard: Cook Street to Highland Street. Construct pedestrian and intersection improvements, signal upgrades and protected left turn lanes.
- Fanno Creek Trail. Site analysis to prepare for funding, easement acquisition, design and construction for the commuter trail.
- Beaverton Creek Trail. Construct a 1.5 mile regional trail with bridges, boardwalks, lighting and bicycle pedestrian amenities.