On Wednesday, Feb. 23, the Metro Policy Advisory Committee will learn about and discuss several climate-related topics including the Climate Smart Communities scenarios process; a report on the potential climate impacts to the region and actions local governments can take now; the Oregon Global Warming Commission 2020 Roadmap recommendations; and setting GHG emissions reduction targets for the Portland metropolitan area. The presentations will help prepare committee members for an April 1 summit on building regional strategies to address climate change.
The Climate Leadership Initiative will provide a brief presentation about recommendations based on the recently released report, “Building Climate Resiliency in the Lower Willamette Region of Western Oregon.” The report is the result of an 18-month project that engaged local experts, stakeholders and Metro on how to prepare the region for a changing climate.
A full presentation about the report findings will be provided via a webinar on Wednesday, Feb. 23 at 10 a.m.
One of the six desired outcomes for the region, endorsed by the Metro Council, is to provide leadership in addressing climate change. As a regional government with responsibility for land use and transportation planning, as well as waste reduction and disposal, there are many ways in which Metro can and does provide leadership in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Collectively these actions are identified as the Climate Smart Communities Initiative. For more information about Metro’s efforts to address climate change visit www.oregonmetro.gov/climatechange.
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