Name and location
Thermo Fluids Inc.
12533 SE Carpenter Drive, Clackamas, Ore.
Comment by 5 p.m. Oct. 30, 2020
Metro will accept comments regarding this application by email, phone or mail.
Phone: 503-505-5587
Mail: Metro - WPES Policy & Compliance
600 NE Grand Ave., Portland, OR 97232
Description of facility and application
Metro issued Solid Waste Facility License No. L-121-20 to Thermo Fluids Inc., an existing used oil recycling facility, which became effective on July 1, 2020, and expires on June 30, 2025. Metro has a longstanding practice of providing public notice and a 30-day comment period for a license renewal application before deciding whether to approve or deny it. However, Metro delayed the public comment period for this license by six months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Metro is soliciting comments on this application from Oct. 1 to 30, 2020, and may amend the license based on new information received during the public comment period.d.
Thermo Fluids Inc. is authorized to accept non-hazardous cleanup material from chemical spills and other non-hazardous petroleum contaminated waste such as used motor oil filters and empty drums with oil residue for consolidation and transfer to an authorized disposal site.
Thermo Fluids Inc. is owned by Clean Harbors Inc., located in Norwell, Massachusetts. Thermo Fluids Inc. operates 32 service and processing facilities throughout the western United States and is headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona. Thermo Fluids Inc. has operated as a Metro-licensed facility since 2004. The facility property is zoned Light Industrial and operation of this facility is allowed in this zone by Clackamas County. The facility also holds a Solid Waste Disposal Permit issued by the Department of Environmental Quality and a 1200-Z Industrial Stormwater Discharge Permit.
A copy of the license application, staff report and current license can be downloaded from the links below.
Public notice update: Dec. 3, 2020
Thermo Fluids Inc. did not receive any comments during the public comment period. The comments and Metro’s response can be found in the public comment summary report for eight renewed solid waste facility licenses dated Dec. 3, 2020.