Since incorporation in 2004, the City of Damascus has undertaken a large effort to plan for future urban development and protection of natural areas on thousands of acres brought into the urban growth boundary in 2002. In cooperation with residents, business owners and consultants, the city has released two draft maps indicating future residential, commercial and industrial districts as well as creating several large conservation areas. Current plans designate a civic center, two town centers, five villages, and employment centers. Today, City of Damascus staff met with the Metro Council in an informal work session to inform councilors of the work completed to date on the city's draft comprehensive plan.
After the map's July release, city councilors hosted a series of “coffee klatch” discussions at local homes, businesses and community centers to gain feedback about the two plans. This evening, at Damascus Community Church, the City Council will host a summary meeting to discuss the results of the discussions and outline how the city will move forward. The open house will run from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Damascus Community Church, 14251 SE Rust Way.
The maps represent an effort to simultaneously fulfill state and regional requirements including housing density, water resources and transportation planning while responding to local aspirations and community values. All of these issues and other concerns raised during the public comment period will be addressed in the City's final recommendations which are expected to be released in October.
Metro began working with the Damascus-Boring communities to develop a concept plan after a December 2002 regional decision by Metro to bring the area inside the urban growth boundary. The City Council and Metro Council are scheduled to meet Sept. 15 in Damascus to continue the dialog about the future plans for the city.