Looking for TSMO?
Project history, strategy and documents can be viewed on the library page for the Transportation System Management and Operations Plan.
Learn more about TSMO
A subcommittee of TPAC, TransPort is charged with advancing the Transportation System Management and Operations Plan, providing a forum for cooperative planning and deployment. TransPort coordinates investments made in technology and operations as well as prioritizes projects to receive TSMO program funds.
TransPort’s core membership comprises seven agencies: Oregon Department of Transportation, TriMet, Metro, Clackamas County, Multnomah County, Washington County and the City of Portland, represented by their lead transportation systems engineers and planners. Attendance from other TPAC-member agencies is encouraged.
Meeting schedule and instructions
Meetings are conducted online. Click on a future meeting date below and register to attend. If you need additional assistance, please contact Summer Blackhorse, summer.blackhorse@oregonmetro.gov, or Caleb Winter, caleb.winter@oregonmetro.gov, one or more days in advance of the meeting.