Open house takes place Thursday, Sept. 16.
Metro will be visiting Sherwood this week to talk with residents about how they'd like the region and their community to look in the future. Participants will be encouraged to discuss recommendations calling for a regional Community Investment Strategy for public structures that make our neighborhoods livable – from streets to parks to jobs.
The event takes place at the Sherwood Library/City Hall - 22560 SW Pine St., Sherwood, OR , from 5 to 7 p.m.
Public input is also encouraged through an online survey. The Metro Council wants to know how and where we should invest as well as how, where and if we should expand the urban growth boundary to accommodate future residential and employment growth. Public comments received by Oct. 1 will be summarized in a report and shared with policy makers prior to decisions scheduled for later in the fall.
On Aug. 10, Metro Chief Operating Officer Michael Jordan released recommendations that call for cities, counties, Metro, the state of Oregon, and businesses throughout the region to find innovative and cooperative solutions to the challenges we face; to tackle financial gaps and inefficiencies that slow progress and increase costs; to improve coordination of state, local and federal investments in public structures such as roads, bridges, water systems and parks; and to create a strategic investment plan to better leverage taxpayer dollars with private investments. Jordan also made recommendations about potential areas to consider for urban growth boundary expansion to accommodate future residential and employment growth.
The recommendations, maps, survey, investment examples and meeting details are available online at