It’s official. Spring is here. Early sunny days pull many out of winter hibernation to open the windows and dig into a little deep cleaning. Spring also marks the planning season for warm-weather projects, from home repair to gardening. As you clean and care for your home, make sure you protect your family, pets, waterways and wildlife from toxic products.
Clean green
Many cleaning products include ingredients that can irritate skin and eyes, contribute to air and water pollution, and cause other harm. Choosing less-toxic products to clean your home can protect your family and the environment. You can also save money by making simple, effective cleaners with safe and common ingredients.
Repair, remodel and maintain safely
Deep cleaning can often reveal some of those once-in-a-while chores, like caulking the tub. Or it can be the inspiration for bigger projects, like painting the living room or re-doing the floors. Home projects like these can come with toxic chemicals, but there are easy ways to keep your kids and your pets safe.
Control pests without toxic pesticides
Ants, spiders, yellowjackets. Learn how to handle a variety of household pests without resorting to toxic chemicals that put your families and pets at risk. Short instructional videos show you how.
Garden naturally
Reduce pests in your yard by cultivating a balance of plants that attract pest-eating birds. Locating new plants where they can thrive often means they’ll need less care once established. Use compost and mulch to foster fertile soil that nurtures your garden and helps makes plants less susceptible to problems.
Detoxify the garage
The first step is to a healthy garden and a safe home? Detoxify the garage. Safely dispose of garden chemicals and other hazardous waste like paint, motor oil and disinfectants, at a Metro household hazardous waste facility. Any hazardous products you do keep on hand should be out of reach of children and under lock and key.
Get a coupon for free garden pesticide disposal by calling Metro at 503-234-3000.
Bonus tip: Repair and reuse before you toss (and think before you buy)
When spring fever yields a truckload of discards from the closets and the shed, simple sorting can help you save money at the transfer station and extend the life of items that may not be garbage yet. Consider repairing or donating shoes, electronics and other items, and make the landfill the last resort.