The East Metro area is home to one of the region’s most diverse populations. In the area that includes the cities of Fairview, Gresham, Troutdale and Wood Village, regional and local governments are working together to ensure sometimes underrepresented communities have meaningful opportunities to influence projects that can improve their daily lives.
A key component of Metro’s involvement in the East Metro Connections Plan is a focus on equity and health. Current efforts include developing an on-the-ground understanding of diverse populations and identifying culturally-relevant engagement methods, conventional or not. This work includes learning from neighborhood leaders and community-based organizations that provide services to minority, elderly, disabled, youth and at-risk populations. The goal is to maximize the opportunities for public input that is representative of the community and enhance outreach efforts to similar populations for future projects.
The plan will be a part of several community events over the summer. On Tuesday, June 28, a bilingual (English/Spanish) community forum will engage participants on healthy eating and active living and what communities should be doing to improve their built environment. This event, sponsored by the City of Gresham’s Healthy Eating Active Living program, will take place from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Rockwood Library, 17917 SE Stark Street.
Input from this and other events will influence the East Metro Connections Plan and other local processes. The East Metro Connections Plan brings governments together to develop a community investment strategy that supports the prosperity and livability of the East Metro area. Born out of a transportation focus, it breaks new ground by linking previously separate efforts on jobs, parks, housing, equity and transportation. In this way, different investments reinforce each other and can add up to more than the sum of their parts. It will result in agreement on near- and long-term investments. In your neighborhood, these improvements should help you and your neighbors meet your daily needs. For example, you may see new or safer crosswalks and better traffic flow at intersections.