Metro is hosting a series of community discussions about the future of transportation investments. Attend April 3, at the Madison High School Library, and meet with Metro councilors Sam Chase, Bob Stacey and Shirley Craddick. Give your input on regional plans, and help shape the future of the region.
April 3, Multnomah County
Madison High School library
2735 NE 82nd Ave., Portland
Metro is seeking public comments from Thursday, March 27 through Monday, May 5. You can also give more detailed feedback on the plans and programs that will shape our region for the next 25 years.
Information you provide will inform:
- 2014 Regional Transportation Plan
- Regional Active Transportation Plan
- 2015-18 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program
- Climate Smart Communities Scenarios Project
April 9, Clackamas County
Oak Lodge Sanitary District Building
14611 SE River Road, Milwaukie
April 17, Washington County
Beaverton Library, Cathy Stanton conference room
12375 SW 5th St, Beaverton