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Comment by 5 p.m. April 29, 2016
Metro will accept comments regarding this application by mail, fax and email. Comments should be addressed to Hila Ritter, Solid Waste Authorization Coordinator.
Metro Solid Waste Compliance and Cleanup
600 NE Grand Ave., Portland, OR 97232
Fax: 503-813-7544
Name and location
City of Roses Disposal and Recycling, LLC
5726 NE 109th Ave., Portland, OR
Description of facility and application
City of Roses Disposal and Recycling, LLC. submitted an application to renew its current Metro solid waste facility license to operate a material recovery facility. Current operations would not change under the proposed renewal. City of Roses Disposal and Recycling accepts and processes mixed dry waste, primarily construction debris, to recover and recycle marketable materials. The facility has been licensed by Metro to perform material recovery since 2011; the term of the proposed license would extend through June 30, 2021.
According the City of Portland, the subject property is zoned General Industrial (IG2). The proposed use is allowed outright in this zone.
Metro issued a solid waste facility license renewal to City of Roses Disposal and Recycling.