Sign up for the Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG) program and learn how to prepare and transport your business hazardous waste.
If you think you qualify as a Very Small Quantity Generator of hazardous waste and have waste you would like to dispose of through Metro’s VSQG program, follow these steps to register:
1. Complete and submit the VSQG application and waste inventory form either online or through mail or fax
A Metro representative will review your application, estimate the total fee based on your waste inventory and call you to schedule a disposal appointment. This service requires an appointment. Fees vary and are based on the quantity and type of waste, or by the volume of the containers.
Application, waste inventory form and instructions
Paper form
The application and detailed description of your hazardous waste inventory will help determine if Metro can accept your waste and what the disposal cost will be.
Completed VSQG applications and waste inventory forms may be mailed, emailed or faxed to either hazardous waste facility:
Metro Central hazardous waste facility
VSQG Program
6161 NW 61st Ave.
Portland, OR 97210
Fax: 503-223-8020
Metro South hazardous waste facility
VSQG Program
2001 Washington St.
Oregon City, OR 97045
Fax: 503-655-2699
2. Prepare for your load for transport
Ensure that all containers are sealed and in good shape. Place any leaking containers in a second container before transporting. Package all containers single layer and upright in containment. Do not mix wastes together. If you have questions about the regulations governing transportation of hazardous materials, contact the Oregon Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Office.
3. Transport and unload your waste
On the day of your scheduled appointment, bring your waste to the applicable Metro hazardous waste facilities: Metro Central Station, 6161 NW 61st Ave., in Portland’s Northwest industrial district or Metro South Station, 2001 Washington St., just off I-205 in Oregon City.
After you pull into the hazardous waste facility, Metro employees will unload your vehicle and verify your load with the waste inventory form you submitted.
Payment is due at the time of disposal
If you wish to be billed for the disposal fee, submit a credit application.
Credit applications must be received by Metro at least 15 days before your disposal appointment. If you have not been approved as a credit customer, the full disposal fee must be paid when waste is accepted at the facility. Metro accepts checks with check guarantee cards, VISA or MasterCard.
Mail the application to:
Credit Manager
Metro Accounting Services
600 NE Grand Ave.
Portland, OR 97232
Questions? Speak with a VSQG representative at 503-223-8133 for Metro Central Station in Portland or 503-655-0750 for Metro South Station in Oregon City.