How to apply
Review the grant application handbook:
Letters of intent and final applications should be delivered to Metro’s grant project manager Brian Harper at [email protected].
Apply now
Metro will fund a second round of Southwest Corridor equitable development pilot projects that support the equitable development strategy. Metro is seeking community-driven projects that prepare residents and business for the changes and opportunities a new light rail line or other investments would bring to the Southwest Corridor.
Up to $550,000 is available for grants ranging from $35,000 to $150,000. No matching funds are required. Grant-funded activities must take place within the Southwest Corridor eligible geographic area. Applicants may include: community-based organizations with nonprofit status, community groups or individuals without nonprofit status partnered with a fiscal sponsor and public agencies with community partners involved in project implementation and a public involvement plan.
Southwest Corridor equitable development strategy - pilot projects eligible geographic area
The Southwest Corridor Plan envisions a livable, affordable and economically thriving community with reliable and safe transportation options for every resident and commuter.
With this vision in mind, Metro created an equitable development strategy with local partners to explore how a proposed light rail and other investments can support community development and improve the quality of life for people of all incomes and backgrounds.
The Southwest Corridor equitable development strategy strives to ensure that individuals and families continue to live, work and thrive in the Southwest Corridor as Metro invests in major transportation projects like light rail. This means making sure Southwest Corridor neighborhoods have:
- Different choices for where to live for people of all incomes
- A range of jobs for people of all backgrounds
- Learning opportunities that prepare people for those jobs
- Wages that support people’s desire to live and work in the corridor.
Application review process and timeline
An advisory group appointed by the Southwest Equity Coalition Executive Committee, made up of community members, reviews the applications and makes a funding recommendation to Metro. This group has expertise in community development, housing, workforce development and urban planning. Applicants must submit a letter of interest. The advisory group will review the letters of interest and provide comments and questions for further clarification, which should be addressed in the final application submission.
- Friday, July 8 – applications open
- Friday, Aug. 5 – letters of intent due
- Wednesday, Sept. 7 – applications due
- October-November 2022 – grant-funded activities may begin
- December 2023 – activities should be complete
Application support
Applicants are encouraged to contact Metro staff to discuss potential ideas. Staff will not play a role in advocating for applicants or making the funding recommendation but are available to help make applications as strong as possible.
Optional online information sessions will be held on two separate occasions in late July and early August. Specific dates and times will be posted on the Southwest Equity Coalition website and Metro calendar of events. One-on-one assistance is also available.