This Wednesday, June 9, the Metro Policy Advisory Committee will consider how the region can best plan for jobs and ensure safe, livable neighborhoods while taking into account long-term economic and housing trends.
Last fall MPAC and the Metro Council endorsed an urban growth report that describes how effectively the region's urban growth boundary can accommodate the population and employment growth that is anticipated over the next 20 years. That report indicated that the existing boundary cannot accommodate all of the anticipated growth given market trends and the amount of public and private investment that is likely to be available to support livable communities.
At Wednesday’s meeting, which will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Council Chamber at Metro Regional Center, an expert panel of developers, economic development officials and local elected leaders will discuss the economic, development and investment trends that MPAC should consider as the committee prepares for future recommendations to the Metro Council later this year on how the region should invest in existing communities and employment areas.