Name and location
Troutdale Transfer Station
869 NW Eastwind Dr, Troutdale, OR 97060
Comment by 5 p.m. August 30, 2019
Metro will accept comments regarding this application by mail, fax and email.
Comments should be addressed to:
Metro SWICC - Joanna Dyer
600 NE Grand Ave., Portland, OR 97232
Fax: 503-813-7544
Description of facility and application
Troutdale Transfer Station, an existing solid waste facility located at 869 NW Eastwind Drive in Troutdale, submitted an application to Metro to renew its transfer station franchise to receive garbage and recyclable materials generated within the Metro region for reload and transport to a landfill for disposal or an approved facility for recovery facility. Your comments on the franchise application are welcome and must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 30, 2019.
Waste Management of Oregon Inc. is the owner and operator of Troutdale Transfer Station, which began operations in 1996 as a facility for the recovery of recyclable materials. The facility currently operates under authority of a Metro-issued franchise (No. F-001-08I) to operate a transfer station to receive putrescible waste (garbage), non-putrescible (dry) waste, yard debris mixed with food waste, and recyclable materials. Troutdale Transfer Station consolidates the garbage into transfer trailers which is then transported primarily to Columbia Ridge Landfill in Arlington, Oregon. The mixed non-putrescible (dry) waste, such as construction and demolition debris, is sorted to recover recyclable materials, yard debris and food waste is transported to an approved compost facility, and recyclable materials are transported to approved recovery facilities. The facility property is zoned General Industrial and operation of a transfer station is permitted. The facility holds a Solid Waste Disposal Site Permit and a Stormwater Discharge General Permit 1200-Z from Oregon DEQ. If the franchise renewal is approved by the Metro Council, the applicant would continue its current operation.
A copy of the franchise application can be downloaded from links below. In the fall of 2019, Metro Council will consider whether to renew this franchise. In addition to submitting written comments during the open comment period, you may provide testimony to the Metro Council at the meeting at which this franchise application will be considered. Once the date of that meeting is set, more information will be provided on this webpage. Metro provides guidelines on how to provide testimony to the Metro Council to ensure your input can be heard.
If approved by the Metro Council, the new franchise will take effect on Jan. 1, 2020, and remain in effect for five years.