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New applications
To apply for a new solid waste facility franchise or license, first schedule a pre-application conference with Metro’s Solid Waste Compliance and Cleanup Division.
Prior to the conference, review the necessary forms and the relevant sections of the Metro Code. Refer to chapter 5.01 in the Metro Code for facilities inside the Metro region and chapter 5.05 for facilities outside the region. Refer to chapter 5.00 for definitions of solid waste.
Find out if your facility is inside the Metro region by using the find your councilor lookup tool.
The conference will help you confirm which type of application and supplemental forms to submit, and help identify any other issues specific to your proposal that should be addressed in the application.
To apply for a solid waste facility franchise or license renewal, please determine which type of application and supplemental forms to submit.
Application fees
Type of application |
New |
Renewal |
Change of authorization |
Solid waste facility license:
Dry waste processors, solid waste or yard debris reloads, and compost sites.
Solid waste facility franchise:
Transfer stations and food waste processors inside Metro region.
Non-system license:
Standard – more than 500 tons annually*
Non-system license:
Standard – 500 tons or less annually*
Non-system license:
Limited duration – 120 days or less
Non-system license:
Fee exempt waste
Solid waste designated facility agreement:
Solid waste disposal sites and food waste processors outside Metro region.
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Notes |
*In the event that a standard non-system license application is denied, Metro will refund a portion of the application fee in accordance with Metro Code Chapter 5.05.
**If the requested change is for an existing non-system license that authorizes 500 tons or less and the result of granting the application would give the applicant more than 500 tons of total authority under the amended license, then the license application fee is $500.