As the foundation for the transportation system in the Portland metropolitan region, the 2023 Regional Transportation Plan established an updated vision for the transportation network for the next 20 years:
"Everyone in the greater Portland region will have safe, reliable, affordable, efficient and climate-friendly travel options that allow people to choose to drive less and that support equitable, resilient, healthy and economically vibrant communities and region."
This vision and the defined policies and priorities that led to the vision guide the Regional Flexible Funds Allocation process. Building from the priorities of equity, safety, climate and mobility established in the previous Regional Transportation Plan, the Portland region refined and reaffirmed the need to continue progress on these four investment priorities which reflect the region's most urgent transportation needs to achieve the updated vision.
During the recent update and adoption of the 2023 Regional Transportation Plan, the region also expressed lessons learned through the coronavirus pandemic and the need for transportation investments to foster economic prosperity for all members of greater Portland. The 2028-30 Regional Flexible Funds Allocation program direction uses these Regional Transportation Plan investment priorities and builds upon previous regional flexible funding directives established by JPACT and the Metro Council. Projects funded through the 2028-30 funding cycle are to align with the five Regional Transportation Plan investment priorities:
- Equitable transportation. Transportation system disparities experienced by Black, Indigenous and people of color and people with low incomes are eliminated. The disproportionate barriers people of color, people with low incomes, people with disabilities, older adults, youth and other marginalized communities face in meeting their travel needs are removed.
- Safe system. Traffic deaths and serious crashes are eliminated and all people are safe and secure when traveling in the region.
- Climate action and resilience. People, communities and ecosystems are protected, healthier and more resilient. Carbon emissions and other pollution are substantially reduced as more people travel by transit, walking and bicycling. People travel shorter distances to get where they need to go.
- Mobility options. People and businesses can reach the jobs, goods, services and opportunities they need by well-connected, low-carbon travel options that are safe, affordable, convenient, reliable, efficient, accessible and welcoming.
- Thriving economy. Centers, ports, industrial areas, employment areas and other regional destinations are accessible through a variety of multimodal connections that help people, communities and businesses thrive and prosper.
2028-30 RFFA program direction
The 2028-30 RFFA program direction builds upon previous RFFA policy established by JPACT and Metro Council. It has been updated to align with new regional policy from the 2023 Regional Transportation Plan and the supportive modal and topical strategies, specifically focusing on the five goals: equitable transportation, safe system, climate action and resiliency, and mobility options.