Common hazardous ingredients
Acetone, benzene, methanol, naphthalene, toluene, turpentine, xylene.
Potential hazards
Flammable; highly toxic. Air pollutant.
Read the label carefully. Avoid using if you are pregnant. Use in a well-ventilated area and wear heavy rubber or nitrile gloves.
Keep container tightly closed when not in use. Store in a secure area that is out of reach of children and away from sources of heat or flames. Rags soaked in turpentine or paint thinner are extremely flammable and should be stored in a fireproof container (such as a metal box) until they can be discarded properly.
Best: Let paint particles settle, then filter off the clear thinner from the top and reuse. Let the sludge dry out in a secure, well-ventilated area (preferably outdoors). Wrap in newspaper and dispose of in the garbage.
Second best: Take unused paint thinner or soaked rags to a hazardous waste facility or collection event.
Avoid the need for paint thinners by choosing water-based paints that are “low solvent, “low VOC,” or “no VOC.”