2040 planning and development grants
Funds local governments to plan for complete and equitable communities.
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- Fall 2023: Stakeholder roundtable launch; methods development and assessment of buildable land inventory
- Fall/winter: Youth cohort launch; city and county review of preliminary buildable land inventory results
- Spring 2024: City proposal submissions for potential urban growth boundary expansion areas
- Summer: Draft Urban Growth Report: regional population, household and employment forecast; public comment on draft Urban Growth Report and city expansion proposals
- Late summer: Metro’s chief operating officer's recommendation
- Early fall: Metro Council direction on chief operating officer's recommendation
- Late 2024: Council decision on urban growth boundary
Funds local governments to plan for complete and equitable communities.
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Under Oregon law, each of the state’s cities and metropolitan areas has created an urban growth boundary around its perimeter – a land use planning line to control urban expansion onto farm and forest lands. Metro is responsible for managing the Portland metropolitan area’s urban growth boundary.
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Oregon law requires that the Metro Council periodically evaluate the capacity of the Portland region’s urban growth boundary to accommodate a 20-year forecast of housing needs and employment growth. That evaluation results in the Urban Growth Report.
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Thousands of Oregonians helped shape a 50-year plan for growth in the Portland metropolitan area, adopted by the Metro Council in 1995.
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