The second annual Oregon Drive Less Challenge, spearheaded by Metro and the Oregon Department of Transportation, kicks off today.
Now through Sunday, Oct. 19, the Challenge aims to connect Oregonians with healthy and convenient travel options. Participants will pedal, walk, share the ride and take into transit throughout the 14-day challenge with the collective goal of eliminating one million vehicle miles.
“We’re excited to be part of this statewide effort for the second year in a row, aimed at connecting our residents with the many transportation options we have in our region that can save money, improve health and mobility and keep Oregon’s environment cleaner and healthier,” said Metro transportation planner Ted Leybold.
To join this year’s Oregon Drive Less Challenge, sign up for free at Then, from Oct. 6 through Oct. 19, log bus, train, bike, carpool, vanpool, walk, skateboard and/or carshare trips for work, errands or play, plus teleworking, for the chance to win prizes. Grand prizes include a custom folding bike from Eugene-based Bike Friday valued at $2,600, or one of two $500 Oregon getaway gift cards. Daily prizes include KEEN shoes, Nutcase Helmets and Kindle Fires. Individuals can join at any point during the Challenge.
Local assistance from Metro is available to help individuals find carpools and/or vanpools, navigate bus schedules and routes, determine bike routes, and answer challenge-related questions. Additionally, Metro's "Getting Around" website features useful local resources and guides to aid in planning trips.
The 2014 Oregon Drive Less Challenge is made possible with support from Amtrak Cascades, Car2Go, Bike Friday, KEEN Footwear, Nutcase Helmets and others.
Those who join the challenge and log trips can win a variety of prizes:
Grand prizes
Custom-built folding bike by Bike Friday valued at $2,600, or one of two $500 Oregon getaway gift cards.
Instagram/Facebook photo contest
Participate in the Drive Less social media photo contest to win one of fourteen $50 cash cards.
Daily prizes
Participants who log trip on mode-themed days throughout the challenge will be eligible for special prizes, including:
- Walk Monday (Oct. 6 & 13) – $75 KEEN Footwear Gift Cards (50 winners)
- Transit Tuesdays (Oct. 7 & 14) – Bus or Amtrak Cascades pass
- Rideshare Wednesday (Oct. 8 & 15) –$150 Kindle Fires (4 winners)
- Telework Thursday (Oct. 9) – $100 Office Depot Gift Cards (2 winners)
- Skate Thursday (Oct. 16) – $100 Tactics Gift Cards (2 winners)
- Bike Fridays (Oct. 10 & Oct. 17) – Nutcase Helmets (50 winners)
- Weekend Warrior Days (Oct. 11, 12, 18 & 19) – $50 REI Gift Cards (50 winners)