Thanks to the persistence of Gresham residents and neighborhood associations, a 33-acre natural area near Grant Butte has been protected for future generations. The property was recently purchased through a partnership among Metro, the City of Gresham and the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District. After attending a meeting last week with the Friends of Grant Butte, I am truly inspired by the passion and dedication our neighbors have shown to make this vision a reality.
I am excited to share the news about this purchase, as it will play an important role in protecting habitat and wildlife in the east part of the region. This purchase helps ensure that more land along the Gresham-Fairview Trail and Fairview Creek is protected. The property is bordered on the south and west by Grant Butte, forming a large swath of protected land. The wetlands at Grant Butte also feed Fairview Lake, which is the headwaters to the Columbia Slough.
Metro and the City of Gresham have entered into an agreement to jointly manage the property to protect water and habitat, and to restore native species. Starting in the next several months, Metro will work with the partners to develop a conservation and management plan to guide long-term stewardship of the site.
In the short term, we will be planning a community celebration and open house this summer and will have more project information to share in the fall, so stay tuned!