Over the past year the Oregon Department of Transportation, in collaboration with local jurisdictions and partners, has compiled the state’s first Transportation Options Plan. The plan expands transportation access, ensures efficient investments and supports broader community goals such as growing the economy and improving personal and environmental health.
The Oregon Transportation Commission has released the draft plan for public review and comment through Jan. 30, 2015.
Read the draft plan
The 25-year plan assesses state, regional and local facilities and services and creates a vision for a safe, efficient and sustainable transportation system that enhances Oregon’s quality of life and economic vitality. The plan is one of several statewide transportation mode and topic plans that further refine and implement the goals, policies, strategies and key initiatives of the overall Oregon Transportation Plan.
Historically, transportation option strategies have been referred to as transportation demand management, with a focus on commute trips and system management. The Transportation Options Plan includes these elements, but expands this definition to also recognize the value of facilitating opportunities to choose different travel options and meet diverse needs.
Policies, strategies and programs described in the plan work to leverage investments by reducing reliance on the single-occupancy vehicle and facilitating use of walking, biking, transit and rideshare.
The plan's purpose is to establish a vision and policy guidance that integrate transportation options in local, regional and state transportation planning, programming and investment. The plan is grounded in an examination of existing programs, investments, and unmet transportation needs in the state. It includes policies and recommendations that support and advance transportation option programs, suggests ways to integrate options into transportation planning and investments, and supports integration with capital investment planning at the local and regional level.
To contribute your comments and thoughts on the plan the public and advocates may attend the Oregon Transportation Commission hearing on Jan. 15, 2015 in Salem, or submit emailed or written comments to:
[email protected]
Oregon Department of Transportation Development Division, Planning Section
555 13th St. NE, Suite 2
Salem, OR 97301-4178
Review the plan
Learn about Metro's Regional Travel Options program