We live in a region filled with natural wonder. Show us the wonders you've seen by entering Our Big Backyard's photo contest.
Photos could be taken in your backyard, in your local park, on a trail. Shoot, it could be from inside watching the bird feeder. Nature comes to us in many ways and many forms.
The winner has the choice of an annual parking pass or a tennis court session or a round of golf for four people including cart at Glendoveer Golf and Tennis Center.
Submit a photo taken anywhere in greater Portland which includes Washington, Multnomah and Clackamas Counties.
To enter, send your photo and description by Aug. 1 to ourbigbackyard@oregonmetro.gov.
Include a description of your experience in a 50-word caption. Where were you? What were you doing? What captured your attention? Please also include your full name and the town where you live.
The winner will appear in the fall 2024 issue of Our Big Backyard, Metro's quarterly parks and nature magazine.
No digitally altered photos, please. By submitting a photo, you consent to Metro's future use and publication of your photo. One entry per person per contest. Metro employees are not eligible to enter.
Editor's note: The original version of this article listed an incorrect due date for entries. We apologize for the error.